Saturday, September 17, 2016

Distribution of crops and income of farmer

Distribution of crops and income of farmer
to live a good life.

If a farmer have 1.2 hectare (6 Bheegha) cultivated land, his crop pattern should as follow-
1.  In one bigha- Fruit crops- in this intercropping can be done up to five years and more years
2. In one bigha- there should be vegetable crops.
3. Two Bigha- cereals crops.
4. Two Bigha- Oily crops or fibre crops or leguminous crop
5.  At the boarder the forest plant crops- teak, neem, sagwan etc.
6. One Buffalo.
7.  Two cow
8. One ox
9. 5 Goat or sheep
10.  If possible hens and Fish may be reared.
Ratio of farmer income
60 % from crops
30% from agriculture related business
20% from other sources.
Farmer should not depend on single income because there is no certainty in agriculture income.

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