Thursday, November 10, 2016




 Krishi Takiniki Prabandhan Agency,

                                                            This is a central government sponsored scheme which is run by agriculture department of all states of India.
      Extension of agriculture technique among by farmer by the use of different extension tools.
      The research done by agriculture universities, national research centre, Krishi Vigyan Kendra etc is disseminated by the ATMA among the farmers of the country.
ATMA Man force Network in State

Joint director of agriculture

Project Director

Deputy Project Director

Block Technology Manager

Assistant Technology Manager

Farmer Friend

       Tool of Extension of Techniques
Training- Trainings are organized at village, Block, District, within State and out of State level to train the farmer about the agriculture Techniques.
Tours are organized at District, within State and out of State level to the farmer to expose the Agriculture Techniques live for 3, 5 or 10 days. Farmers are visited to agriculture KVK, institutes and universities etc.
      In this inputs are provided for the farmer according the demonstrations.
      The demonstration may in fisheries, crop production, bee keeping and others.
      In these, new techniques, new breed, new packages of practices of production are demonstrated at the farmer fields.
Front Line Demonstration
      In this demonstration, new or best agriculture techniques are demonstrated on farmer field in the village in supervision of agriculture scientists.
Farmer Sanghoshthi
      This is done at village, Block and District level.
      In this the scientists give information related to crop production, fisheries, animal husbandry, dairy etc according to farmer demand and need.
      Farmers participate in this and use the told information in their farming.
Capacity Building Training
      In this training, farmer get training of business related to agriculture e.g. - dairy, bee keeping, seed production, organic farming, poultry.
      And farmers are encouraged to make self help group so that they can setup their business at village level.
In this new machinery, new crop, new equipments, new technique are provided to the group of farmer, societies, Farmer Producers Companies or for individual farmers. New techniques are introduced in the working area by the innovation
Seed money
      In this some money is provided to Self Help Group so that some economic help can be done to the group and they can run well their groups.
      To get  seed money, documents are submitted in the office of BTM at the Block
Farmer and Group Award
                     In this award money and certificate are given to farmer and groups, which are doing something excellent in agriculture, animal husbandry, dairy, horticulture etc. This is given every year at Block, District and State Level.
Farmer Fare
      This is organized at District level every year
      In this Government Department and Private Companies related to farmer, display their schemes, agriculture inputs(seed, pesticides, farm machinery, Fertilizer etc.) good work and product in the stall to the farmers.
      And the scientists are invited to give technical knowledge to the farmers.
Farmer Friend
      One farmer friend is appointed for two villages.
      Farmer friend disseminate the information given to him by ATMA staff and by training, among the farmers.
      He also assists to ATMA staff in organizing training and schemes in the village.

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