Saturday, November 26, 2016


The seed is most important thing in agriculture or cultivation of crop. This is the primary source or input of agriculture. Most of the time the farmer used seed of home or his previous grown crops. Now a days some of the farmer of India and world are use high quality seed from the private agriculture companies or government department of agriculture.
But here I want to talk about the production of high quality seed at the farmer field and for their own use.
Because the farmers grow crops at their fields and when they go to their production in the Mandi they get low price for example when a farmer go  the mandi to sale their soybean they get 3000-4000 Rs./Quintal. But when they go to purchase seed from the shop they purchase soybean seed they have to pay 6100-6500 Rs/Quintal.
Definitely as all we know that the rate of the seed will be more in comparison to crop.
But my question is that when a farmer is the producer of the crop and customer of seed.
Then why he is not producing the seed at his own field, why he is purchasing seed from the market at high price. Second how a farmer can believe at the quality of seed purchase from the others or market? , many time the quality of the seed purchase from the market is very bad and he is not able to purchase the desired variety of the seed. 
There are some crops which seed production requires special technique like hybrid seed.
But most of seed of self pollinated crop whose seed can be produced easily by the farmer.
Like wheat, soybean, gram (chana), green gram (mung), Black gram (Urd), etc.
the production of seed of self pollinated crop is easily farmer can produced seed
for himself and others.
Farmers can make small groups and after registration in seed certification agency of state, he can produced seed of desired quality. And it will give him an opportunity for agriculture business. If farmers do not want to register the seed in seed certification agency, there is a no need to register. Purchase seed of high quality from a reliable source and if is desired quality, grow this for next two or three years, so that the cost of cultivation can be reduced.
In the self pollinated crop the one time purchased high quality seed can be shown next two three years.  

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