Thursday, December 22, 2016

Nutrient Management in Crops

Nutrient Management in Crops

Nutrient management is most important thing in Crop cultivation, so that the crop may grow well and can give higher yield. By the use of  best nutrient management the farmer can will save the crop from by the diseases and insect.
there are 16 element or nutrient element which are required by the plant to complete their life cycle successfully.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
 nitrogen. phosporus, potashium,( Required in high amount)
calcium, megneshium, sulpher( Required in medium Amount)

iron, copper, Zinc,boron, molibdenum. chlorine, mangnege, ( Required in very less amount)
The First Three element carbon, hydrogen and oxygen make the plant composition upto 96% and these element supplied by the water, and carbon di oxide with the help of  sunlight.
and remaining make 4 % only.
so the farmer should not depend on chemical fertilizer he should use organic manure/khad to give the complete nutrient to the plant.
Because the most of the chemical fertilizer given to soil are not fully used by the plant.
And the most important thing crop should be provides all the element to plant. because it create synchronized  effect in the crops. if farmer provide few element to the crop it will not give better yield.

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